
Meditation ~ Breathing ~ Emotional Resilience

Healthy Mind through the Practice of Self Exploration & Awareness Meditations

Healthy Body and Release through the Practice of Proper Controlled Breathing Exercises

Healthy Living through Healing & Compassion Practices Developing a New Approach to Life



‘Exercising’ your mind increases focus, concentration and patience. Awareness Meditation in Mindfulness, Loving Kindness and Compassion is about consciously feeling experiences in the moment. Feel a sense of peace regardless of what life throws at you.


Breathwork reduces anxiety and tension, and increases lung capacity. It links body and mind. When you control your breath, you control your emotional energy. Reprogram your nervous system reactions and prevent physical diseases caused by stress.


Understand your emotions, triggers, habits and patterns to meet life’s challenges with calmness and clarity. With compassion and introspection you will heal, uncover your true self and raise your vibrational energy to create your desired life!


Awareness Meditation Practices   Exploring varies techniques and styles, we work together to discover and develop your own ongoing Meditation practice. We begin with focusing the mind and then introduce Awareness Meditations to build emotional understanding and healing within. We cover Meditation practices in Mindfulness, Loving Kindness and Compassion along with Heart Fullness theory. Reduce your stress and develop resilience. We will create a safe and individualized Meditation practice just for you and your lifestyle. Notice positive changes in your daily interactions, discover how to control your survival driven reactions.

Breathing Exercises   These exercises are especially designed for your specific respiratory and emotional needs, breathing exercises to connect the body and mind and adapting Yoga seated positions to compliment the breathing body. The goal of these breathing exercises is to prepare one for Meditation. 

Well-being for Teenagers – ages 14-18   Coaching to help teenagers cope with their daily stress. It’s never too early to learn and experience the benefits of Meditation and Breath Control practices. They develop and learn positive techniques to prepare them for life’s experiences ahead.

Remote Private 1:1 Coaching and Private Group Coaching

workshops & classes


1~ Attention vs Awareness Meditation   An introduction to Meditation and its benefits. The differences between Focused Attention and Open Awareness Meditations. How to develop your own Meditation sanctuary space, and how to begin a Meditation practice within your busy life and schedule right now.

2~ Introduction to Proper Yogic Breathing   A look at how to breath correctly, we will talk about ‘vital energy’, how it affects the mind and the differences between right and left nostril breathing. We will learn various breathing exercises, including how to use the breath to help with insomnia.

In-person and Remote Workshops

Saloni Hemnani

I am a Meditation and Yoga Lifestyle Coach, my aim is to help you find a way to incorporate wellness into your life here and now. My parents introduced me to the yogic way of living during my childhood in Hong Kong. I went to London for university and after my post graduation in Design Studies randomly (I now question how random!) decided to attend a 10-day silent Vipassana Meditation retreat. It was this life changing experience that inspired me to travel to Kerala, India, to study Yoga further at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center. In 2002 I opened one of the first Yoga studios in Hong Kong.

In 2006 I moved to the US and continued my teachings. I observed throughout the years my students expressing a need to better navigate difficulties in their lives, this gradually shifted my teachings to addressing the connectedness importance of all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as a way of life. I have studied in many practices including Yogakids, Yoga for the Special Child, Adaptive Yoga for a variety of body types and physical concerns, and Ayurveda Nutrition. 

I furthered my teacher trainings in Mindfulness, Loving-Kindness and Compassion Awareness Meditations and Philosophies, and their relevance on western psychology and neuroscience. With now over 1000 hours of registered teacher trainings, I am focused on teaching Meditation Resilience programs specific for stress relief, management and healing for lifelong well-being and success.

Teaching for nearly 20 years has had a profound positive impact on my own personal practice and how I experience life and challenges. The continued awareness and shifts I experience, and have seen in my students, is why I strive to share this wonderful wisdom of healthy living and being!   I look forward to connecting with you.  ~ Saloni

Teacher Training Certifications

~ Mindfulness in Lovingkindness and Compassion Meditation

~ Compassion Based Resilience Training
~ Sivananda Yoga & Breathing


~ Life Coach
~ Ayurveda Nutritionist


“I started my practice with Saloni when dealing with an undiagnosed back injury. She guided me to focus on my breathing and meditation to help clear my mind. Her tone, voice and attentiveness made me feel very comfortable and allowed me to really feel the benefits of the guided relaxation that followed. My favorite part of my sessions are the meditations she shared. Saloni takes the time to listen and work through the root causes of what you are trying to address (mind, body, soul) accordingly. This is rare and something that everyone should experience. Each session leaves me feeling energized!”

~Shari Rosen~

“I had no idea as a severe asthmatic how much my breathing, or rather my bad breathing habits, impacted my asthma symptoms until I met with Saloni. She taught me essential techniques to improve and control my breathing, when I’m out and about day to day, when I exercise, and especially if I’m under stress or during flare-ups.
Saloni also introduced me to meditation. I’d heard and read about its benefits for years, if you are a beginner like me, don’t put it off any longer, Saloni is the teacher for you! She is professional, respectful and will guide you with kindness.”


“Teachers like Saloni are very rare, in fact near-impossible to find. Beyond her incredible depth of knowledge and experience, she is approachable, compassionate, and a grounded human being. She teaches from a place of understanding, encouraging not only expanding my self-awareness but curiosity through exploration within my breathing and meditation. I am very grateful to have met Saloni on my journey.”


what's your Internal Rhythm?

Connect with me And Let's Find Out!



Mind – Consciousness. Perception. Imagination, Thoughts. Judgement. Memory. Language. Feelings…

Focused Attention Meditation – Do you control your mind or does it control you? When the mind is calm, concentrated and in a peaceful state, time passes unnoticed. The happiness we experience when doing something we enjoy is not from the activity itself, but from the fact that our mind isn’t agitated, all the worries and stress of the world disappear. Taming the mind is the start to better decisions, inner happiness and success. 

Open Awareness Meditation – a conscious exercise for the mind to explore what is surfacing within you. Research is showing that a regular meditation practice has the ability to mold and change our brains, healing us by reaching a state of true happiness and peace.

-Experience positive feelings of calmness and lightness – Be more in tune with yourself and what is happening within you during trying times – Improve interactions with yourself, people and the world around you.

Calm your ‘Internal Rhythm’ through Mindful Insight!

“Happiness is when,

what you think, 

what you say, 

and what you do 

are in harmony”

~ Mahatma Gandhi


“When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still, all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit.”

~ Goraksasathakam

Breath in… Breath out… Good breathing is a major component of good health.

We are born as “belly breathers”, breathing with the diaphragm increases positive energy, improves sleep, removes toxins from the body and aids those with chronic lung diseases, such as asthma. Breathing using only a fraction of our lung capacity leads to a lack of oxygen, increasing fatigue and stress levels.

In addition we can increase mental clarity through yogic breathing using various inhalation, exhalation and retention exercises.

Regulate your ‘Internal Rhythm’  through Proper Breathing!


These exercises are especially designed for your specific needs, breathing exercises to connect the body and mind and adapting Yoga postures for a variety of ailments. We will create a safe and individualized program just for you and your lifestyle. The goal of these exercises is to prepare one for meditation.   Please contact for more details.

We explore to discover and develop your meditation practice. First we Focus the Mind and then introduce Loving Kindness, Compassion, Mindfulness Meditations to build awareness and healing.

Usually a session begins with some simple breathing to prepare us physically and mentally, followed be the meditation theory and practice for that day. Please contact for more details.

It’s important to learn how to pause, become aware and develop a ‘solution mind’. Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck!

Through repetitive practices we can revise ourselves and mindfully resist temptations to over react or under react. Learn tools to help make these changes and cope with stress and trauma. We discuss neuroscience and meditation effects on the brain, life philosophies to build well-being of mind, heart and body creating a new way of healing and living.

Single sessions or Group sessions available, please contact for more details.

Yoga, breath-mind control, meditation, self-loving and kindness practices and resilience techniques to prepare for life’s experiences ahead.

Single sessions or Group sessions available, please contact for more details.

This workshop will look at how to breath correctly, we will talk about ‘vital energy’, how it affects the mind and the differences between right and left nostril breathing. We will learn various breathing exercises, including how to use breath to help sleep.

An introduction to meditation while looking at Focused Attention and Open Awareness Meditations. A nice Introduction to the 2 types, benefits and how to develop a meditation practice. We begin the session with a focused meditation and end with a mindfulness meditation. 

Compassion Based Resilience Training. Details coming soon.

CBRT – Compassion Based Resilience Training   It’s important to learn how to pause, become aware and develop a ‘solution mind’. Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck! Through repetitive Meditation practices and theories we can revise ourselves and mindfully resist temptations to over react or under react. More details coming soon.

corporate wellness


Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching for the Workplace. Virtual programs offered ~

1~ Introductory Meditation & Mindfulness Session   An overview of Meditation. The health and mental benefits, backed up with evidence-based research. Employees will be introduced to Awareness Meditation in Mindfulness and Self Care. Instructional Breathing and Meditation practices will be introduced so they can experience the benefits right away. 60-minute session + Q&A time.

2~ Corporate Mindfulness Training, 4 Sessions   This course is specifically designed to identify core workplace stressors. Employees will gain tools on how to control the mind from gravitating towards the fears of worse case scenarios, and open their minds to creative ways of looking at problem solving. Various Meditation and Mindfulness techniques aimed to build resilience and improve overall job performance. This course will help employees develop awareness, understanding, confidence and clarity, as well as how to control stress driven reactivity. This course consists of 4 sessions, each with a length of 90-minutes. Dates and times of all 4 sessions decided upon and confirmed before the start of the course program.

3~ Meditation Classes   Just as it sounds! Real, meaningful results require consistent classes, whether that be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. 30-minute session. Breathing & Meditation classes – 40-minutes.

4~ 1:1 Executive / Employee Mindfulness Coaching  Individualized coaching is great for custom-tailored Meditation in Mindfulness and Compassion, specifically designed to develop ones confidence, skills, leadership and corporate wellness. Explore your reactivity to stress and overcome your negative triggers. 45-minute session.

These programs all reduce stress, they also help break free from old ways of thinking and behaving, this aids in making better decisions and reducing emotional reactivity. Awareness Meditations in Mindfulness can help bring better attention to the present moment in the workplace, creating positive connections and experiences for employees and for your customers/clients. Simply put, to feel and perform better! 

Benefits include Team work – better employee engagement and communication/ Understanding real leadership / Stress correction and improvements / Staying calm and open-minded for better problem solving / Improve focus and clarity / Welcoming and adapting to change / Understanding your customer and improving relations / Overcome fears and build confidence…

VIRTUAL Programs. Connect with for more details